We Won!
Denise Merrifield has been Elected
to the
Riverhead Town Board
Election Results
*1. Denise Merrifield / Votes: 4992
*2. Joann Waski / Votes: 4875
3. Rene Suprina / Votes: 3463
4. Andrew Leven / Votes: 3338

*Top Two are elected
Republican / Conservative
Nominated by the Riverhead Republican and Conservative  Parties
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                     Town of Riverhead Voters!

  I look forward to working and fighting for all residents.

Town Council Election Results


Interview with Denise Merrifield on October 13, 2023 "The Grey Report"


I participated in 3 debates: 9/21/23; 9/23/23 and 9/27/23. Debate videos are at  "Issues" Page to view.

Vote On November 7th, 2023 for Republican / Conservative

Denise Merrifield for Riverhead Town Council


As a resident of Wading River I am opposed to ANY airport opening at EPCAL.


I am opposed to massive logistics warehouses. I support following the Town’s Comprehensive Plan proposals regarding industrial development


I will fight for LOCAL control not Hochul Control by allowing local governments to stop unvetted migrants coming into our town. Other jurisdictions should not impose health, safety, and financial burdens on our residents


I am in support of continued smart development of the downtown Riverhead area. This is an exciting time to be part of making Riverhead a thriving and vibrant destination. 


I will promote smart economic growth while maintaining agricultural preservation.


I will fully support our Police Department in keeping our town safe.  I am opposed to the current bail reform laws which allow arrested criminals back on our streets.  I will work to have these laws reversed.

Suffolk County District Attorney Ray Tierney and Denise Merrifield, October 19th, 2023.

"I worked alongside of Ray in the Suffolk County District Attorney's Office and look forward to working with him again to help protect and serve Riverhead residents when I become your Councilwoman."


New York State Police Investigators Association

New York State Troopers PBA 

Suffolk County Detectives Association

Suffolk County Correction Officers Association

Suffolk County Deputy Sheriffs PBA 

Suffolk County Superior Officers Association


Suffolk County Police Asian Jade Society

Suffolk County Detective's Association Prosecutor of the Year Award 2015


Robert Gaffney, Former Suffolk County Executive: 1992-2003


Anthony Palumbo, New York State Senator


Jodi Giglio, New State Assemblywoman


Italian Americans Political Action Committee

Enterprise Association of Steamfitters Local 638 




Paid for By Committee to Elect Denise Merrifield
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